Monday, December 21, 2009

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Period Discharge with Pink Color and Watery In The Menstruation Phrase

Menstrual discharge with pink color and watery is defined as a health condition of spleen qi deficiency due to the inability of stomach in food digestion as well as intake of foods with yin pathogen in nature in a prolonged period of time

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I. Symptoms of period discharge with pink color and watery
1. Weakness
2. Tiredness
3. Pale complexion
5. Shallow breathing
6. Low, soft voice
7. Poor appetite
8. Prolonged headache
9. Fatigue
10. Etc.

II. Causes of spleen qi deficiency
1. Cold and raw foods diet
Cold and raw foods are excess yin in nature, prolonged intake of these types of food cause spleen qi deficiency, leading to not enough blood to nourish the uterine lining, resulting in pink color and watery vagina discharge as a result of qi deficiency during menstrual cycle.

2. Artificial ingredients
Artificial ingredients are extreme yin in nature, prolonged intake of these types of man-make food reduces the yin in the body, leading to spleen qi deficiency.

3. Dairy products
Dairy product is yin and dampness in nature, prolong intake causes the inability of stomach in food qi and essence digestion and interferes with function of spleen in nutrients distribution and formation.

4. Occupation
Women working in the hot environment may cause depletion of yang qi because our body need to counter the constant hot with the yin in the body, leading to spleen qi deficiency.

5. Nutritional deficiency
Since spleen helps to transform carbohydrate synthesizing from the the liver to energy and distribute the nutrients to our body needs. Nutrients deficiency causes spleen qi deficiency leading to fatigue, dizziness and emotional stress.

II. Treatments
A. With Herbs

1.Ren shen (Ginseng)
Ren shen is considered as one of most powerful herbs in strengthening the original qi in the body. a) In spleen, it improves the spleen function in qi absorption, thus reducing the symptoms of distended chest and abdomen cramps and pain.

2. Huang qi (astragalus root)
It is one of the herb that helps to increase the function of liver in generating more blood and liver qi in blood transportation due to excessive blood loss during menstruation.

3.Tai zi shen (pseudostellaria root)
Besides helping to increase the spleen and lung qi, it also improve the blood transportation and spleen and stomach in absorbing vital energy for our body cells and generates fluids to prevent the heat causes of qi stagnation.

4. Etc.

B. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
1. CV12 (Zhong wan)
2. ST36 (Zu san li)
3. SP6 (San yin jiao)
4. SP3 (Tai bai)
5. UB20 (Pi shu)
6. UB21 (Wei shu)
7. Etc.

C. With foods
1. Rice
2. Sweet rice
3. Pumpkin
4. Sweet potatoes
5. Squash
6. Carrots
7. Peas
8. Onions
9. Garlic
10. Oyster
11. Etc.

Recommended Reading
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

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